Web Projects
Why is Science Important? This project collected together responses from around 100 prominent scientists, writers, teachers and members of the public to the question “why is science important?”. It features written articles, videos and even a couple of cartoon strips.
How Should We Teach Science? I set this up in July 2009 in an attempt to encourage people to take part in the Qulaification and Curriculum Authority’s (poorly advertised) consultation on new criteria for GCSE Science. Like “Why is Science Important?” it is a collaborative effort, relying on contributions from other science teachers and interested members of the public. I hope that it provides a forum for teachers to engage in discussion and debate and generate some kind of “critical mass” of material that will force the QCA to pay attention to teachers who will not necessarily fill in their questionnaire – it’s not clear to me that this questionnaire (which requires the reading of lengthy, difficult to read documents) is the best (or even a very good) way to really engage with teachers on this important issue.
Labreporter This is a pet project which has yet to reach it’s full potential. It currently features a collection of videos and articles about the work of Dr Tara Shears, a particle physicist at the University of Liverpool. I hope to create a dedicated labreporter.com website to include “lab reports” from science labs around the world. In fact, I have a much, much, grander vision for all this, one which would revolutionise science communication, no less. But I estimate it would cost tens of thousand of pounds at the very least. If you’d like to fund such a project, please get in touch.
If you could teach the world… This was my first web project which collected together responses to a question. The question was “If you could teach the world just one thing about science, what would it be, and why?” I worked with the online publication spiked and we collected over 250 responses, including many from Nobel prize winners. I also made a series of short films about some of the answers.
Life in Chemistry A collection of short films about life in the University College London Chemistry Department.