Teaching, Lecturing and Live Shows

I teach a part-time timetable at a school in London and have taught all year groups from 7 through to 13 (KS3, KS4 and A-level). I also work as a science writer and film-maker and a lot of my films can be used for teaching purposes, including these ones I made recently with my friend Jonathan Sanderson. I have collected together a list of other freely available science videos here.

I’m available for talks and practical sessions at other schools and have run sessions for students ranging from primary school children to first year engineering undergraduates.

You can hire me to run activities ranging from building electrical toys for young children to a fun engineering challenge for older students. I also have a range of talks and live science shows for schools including:

Playing CardsScience vs Magic combines stunning demonstrations of both “magic” and science, but ultimately aims to convince even the most avid Harry Potter fans that science can beat “magic” hands down when it comes to delivering excitement and wonder. As part of the show, I perform some of the most amazing illusions used by magicians, involving transformation, teleportation and mind-reading, and reveal how they can all be done “for real” using Science. The show also examines the parallels between magic and science which may explain why so many scientists are fascinated by magic and why, ultimately, science is a much more rewarding activity.

In terms of curriculum content, the show is really about “how science works” and also features a lot of material relating to particles and the behaviour of light.

Ri logo - JPEGThe show was developed in partnership with The Royal Institution and has been part of the Cheltenham Science Festival and the Ottley Science Festival.

Dr Andrea Sella, of University College London wrote: “I thought yours was a fantastic talk – brilliant premise, brilliant execution, very solid story line, excellent comic timing, great examples, and your energy level was up there at the deranged level. Unquestionably at Top Cheltenham standard. I loved every minute”.

Tom Whyntie, a CERN Physicist tweeted the following message after seeing the show at The Cheltenham Science Festival: “Science vs Magic my favourite at #CheltSciFest. Great demos, crucial message, but above all @alomshaha is a phenomenal showman”.



I have developed the following as “masterclasses” for A-level students working on the Extended Projects:

quantumMindbang – How Relativity and Quantum Mechanics completely changed our view of reality. (Mainly for A-level Physics students)

Telling Stories – How understanding storytelling can make you a better student – a talk which introduces the ideas of the classical narrative structure and its importance in everything from science reports to History essays.

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